# with the territory for the territory
Our goal is to help anyone become more aware of the historical-naturalistic riches of the environment in which they live and we do this through sports activities.
Our motto is “Walk with us! Walk with us! ”, Understood not only in a literal sense but above all as a philosophy of sharing. Those who participate in one of our activities know that the concept of a group is fundamental: we start together and arrive together, each with their own strengths and limitations.
To achieve our goal we believe it is necessary to "network" with other realities that live in our territory, happy to "venture" into ever new projects but which have as their common thread the enhancement of historical-naturalistic riches and the environment, in respect of the psycho-physical well-being of everyone: with the territory for the territory or # with the territory for the territory.
Here are some examples of the many projects we have done with the territory for the territory.

# with the territory for the territory
Since 2017 we have participated in projects financed by the Tuscany Region, offering excursions to discover the area. We did it with the patronage of some municipalities (Castelfiorentino, Montaione, Gambassi Terme, Torrita di Siena and Volterra) and many local realities such as the Pro Loco of Castelfiorentino, the municipal council of the boys of Castelfiorentino, the Agata Smeralda Onlus Association of Florence. , FEISCT (European Federation of Historical Cultural and Tourist Routes), the Pro Loco of Torrita di Siena.
In 2017, in collaboration with the Giovepennino di Vernio association, with the Alta Val Bisenzio Gothic Line association and with the patronage of the municipality of Vernio, we organized hiking activities on the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines with particular attention to rediscovery and enhancement of the Gothic Line.
On the occasion of the Festa della Francigena which takes place in the municipality of Castelfiorentino (event organizer), since 2017 we have been offering a series of activities aimed at raising awareness of the artistic, historical and naturalistic aspects of the Francigena with the elaboration of original routes and with particular attention to people. disabled. The activities have been developed over time in collaboration with Associazione SenzaBarriere di Castelfiorentino, Azienda USL Toscana Centro, Teatro del Popolo Foundation of Castelfiorentino, GAT Gruppo Amici del Teatro di Castelfiorentino, Guebwiller Twinning Group of Castelfiorentino, BeGo Museum of Castelfiorentino, Polisportiva I 'Giglio of Castelfiorentino, Pro Loco of Castelfiorentino, TeatroCastello di Castelfiorentino, Federal Institute of Higher Secondary Education Federigo Enriques of Castelfiorentino.
In particular, we organize an excursion on the so-called Via Francigena of the valley with disabled people from the municipal centers. The walk is the culmination of a series of meetings where, in addition to getting to know the children, we involve them in various activities, including small theatrical performances, masterfully helped by a local theater group (Associazione TeatroCastello) and by the staff of the BeGo Museum. .
We also organize, together with the staff of the BeGo Museum, an excursion dedicated in particular to the students of the Federal Institute of Higher Secondary Education Federigo Enriques of Castelfiorentino.
Finally, we organize other excursions, often looking for unpublished tracks on the Francigena.
In 2019 we proposed, together with the TeatroCastello association, a theater-trekking event, a real traveling theatrical show on the Francigena.
Since 2017, in collaboration with the Cetra di Castelfiorentino association, the patronage of the municipality of Castelfiorentino and the Metropolitan City of Florence, we have designed and conducted some excursions aimed at promoting the territory of Castelfiorentino, in particular its historic residences.
In 2018 we designed and built the RET itinerary (Tuscany Excursion Network ex LR n. 17/1998) called "Terre degli Etruschi", in the stretch included in the territory of the Municipality of Capraia e Limite. We have also been commissioned by the Municipality of Capraia e Limite to provide for the maintenance of the itinerary for five years. Finally, we organize, together with the municipality of Capraia and Limite and some local associations, events aimed at enhancing the itinerary called “Terre degli Etruschi”, in the stretch included in the territory of the municipality. The "Terre degli Etruschi" project was presented at TourismA 2019, the exhibition of archeology and cultural tourism, an event organized in Florence in February 2019.
In the spring of 2018 we participated in the ASTRA project, acronym for Foreign Adolescents Territory Elderly Relations, proposed by the municipality of Castelfiorentino, in collaboration with the TeatroCastello di Castelfiorentino Association. The project aimed to bring young people closer, trying to prevent youth discomfort and deviance.
We have proposed six excursions aimed at introducing the territory and the naturalistic, artistic and historical riches that surround us. The goal was to develop a critical and civic conscience through knowledge: only by knowing is it possible to have respect for what surrounds us. Each of us has the duty to know the territory in which he lives in order to become a guardian of the natural environment and a witness to the generations to come.
Since 2018, every year, on the occasion of the festival called "In / Canti & Banchi" which takes place in Castelfiorentino, in collaboration with Associazione SenzaBarriere and TeatroCastello di Castelfiorentino, we organize an excursion on the so-called Via Francigena di valle with children with disabilities in the centers municipal. The walk is the culmination of a series of meetings in which, in addition to getting to know the children, we involve them in various activities, including small theatrical performances. The boys are the real protagonists, taking care of the management and animation of the group.
During the same festival we made excursions on the so-called Via Francigena of the valley to make known the historical and artistic riches of the area.
Since 2018, in collaboration with the municipality of Capraia and Limite, we periodically organize initiatives aimed at getting to know the municipal area with particular attention to the Montalbano area.
Since June 2018 we have been collaborating for free in the GUEST project (Gambassi Unified Enterprise Smart Tourist System), funded under the POR-FESR Toscana 2014-2020. The project aims to involve local operators to promote an integrated tourist offer based on the enhancement of local resources, capable of satisfying an increasingly demanding and dynamic tourist demand in search of original and authentic experiences. The Gambassi Experience portal was born from this project, promoting local realities, products and experiential activities.

The BeGo Benozzo Gozzoli Museum in Castelfiorentino has been involved since 2017 in the project called "Museum For All", aimed at implementing and strengthening the accessibility services of the museum heritage. The project is financially supported by the Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze Foundation. The Orpheus APS Association, which has in concession the museum services for the BeGo Museum of Castelfiorentino, in 2018 entrusted our association with the co-design of itineraries aimed at the autonomy of people in the use of the urban and landscape heritage of the territory of Castelfiorentino as well as consultancy in the development of an app (application) for smartphone devices.
In particular, we collaborated in the shooting of LIS videos aimed at an audience of deaf people.
The new app was presented in Castelfiorentino, in October 2019, in the presence of representatives of the regional and municipal administration and other economic operators.
In 2018, in collaboration with FEISCT (European Federation of Historical Cultural and Tourist Routes), the municipality of Capraia e Limite, GAM Archaeological Group of Montelupo and the Antichi Popoli Association, we organized an excursion to discover the Archaeological Park of Montereggi.
Since March 2019 we have become a distribution point for the Via Francigena credentials.
The Credential, or "pilgrim's passport", is the fundamental document of the traveler who decides to travel the Via Francigena. Along the way, the pilgrim will receive a stamp at tourist offices, parishes, accommodation and refreshment facilities. For those who travel the last 100 km on foot or 200 km by bicycle, the Credential allows you to receive the Testimonium, the certification of the pilgrimage.
To request your credentials, fill out the form at the bottom of the page.
In 2019, in collaboration with the municipality of Montelupo Fiorentino, we organized an excursion to make known the historical and environmental riches of the municipal area.
In 2019, in collaboration with the municipality of Empoli, the municipality of Capraia e Limite, CETRAS Empoli, Centro RDP Padule di Fucecchio, Legambiente Empolese Valdelsa and the Società Canottieri Limite 1861 ASD, we took a guided tour of the Arnovecchio Oasis to get to know its activity and for the release of some birds.
In 2019, in collaboration with the municipality of Capraia e Limite, the Proloco Capraia e Limite, the Unicoop members section of Empoli, UISP - Empoli-Valdelsa Committee and the Castra Civico 50 Association, thanks to the ownership of Villa Bibbiani, we had the opportunity to accompany a group of people to admire the architecture and gardens of this Villa located in the municipality of Capraia and Limite, but above all to discover the renowned historical botanical park, created by the then owner, the Marquis Cosimo Ridolfi, an important politician but above all an enlightened agronomist and creator of the first agricultural school in Italy, in Meleto, in the municipality of Castelfiorentino.
Since 2021 we have been welcomed among the "Amici Via Francigena", which groups public and private associations that carry out activities in support of the overall project to enhance the Via Francigene and which have signed a memorandum of understanding with the EAVF.
For us an important recognition and a further commitment in the enhancement of our territory.
In June 2021 we inaugurated “dal Borgo alla Francigena”, a route that we proposed, developed and created on behalf of the Municipality of Castelfiorentino. It was created to respond to a need expressed by the many pilgrims who choose Castelfiorentino, with its train station, to start the journey on the Via Francigena: "How do we get on the route?"
It is also an opportunity for the whole Val d'Elsa area, because surely many will be able to decide, in tranquility, to opt for the Castelfiorentino station, as a starting point for their slow holidays, whether they decide to travel a stretch of the Francigena. (among the most beautiful!), whether they take the opportunity to get to know the Val d'Elsa area, connecting to the many trekking routes that wind their way from the Francigena.
Since June 2021 we have been taking care of the ordinary maintenance of the Via Francigena, in the stretch included in the municipalities of Castelfiorentino, Gambassi Terme and Montaione.
A tiring task, which we had already taken on in 2017, but to which we care in particular, because loving your territory also means presenting it in the best possible way.
In particular, we have marked the path again, taking care to also think of those who make the path in the opposite direction…. because there are also those who return on foot!
Finally, we have also activated a dedicated email (francigena@toscanahiking.com) where you can send us reports or suggestions ... of course only for the section of our competence.